Home Energy Grants Made Available To You.

Here at My Home Energy Grant we want to help you access a wide range of Energy Efficiency Grants - made available by the Government and energy companies - to improve the energy efficiency of your home and lower your bills.

More than 50% of UK households will qualify for a grant to install home energy efficiency products. There are some restrictions, but if you get any sort of social benefit it’s likely that you’ll qualify.

We specialise in installing:

The grants we offer for heating and insulation usually cover the entire cost of these types of home improvements. We will then work with our fully accredited network of installers to ensure the work is completed quickly and to the highest standards.

Why not use our simple check below to see if you qualify? It takes less than 2 minutes and could set you on your way to a grant to upgrade your home which could save you hundreds of pounds per year!

Am I Eligible?

Use our tool to check what grants you may be eligible for.

Below are some of the products we can offer grants for.

Cavity Wall Insulation

If your house was built after 1930 it will have cavities within the walls which could be losing 35% of your home’s heat. Speak to us to see how we can help.

Heating Systems

If your heating system is inefficient we can provide a grant to replace it. Whether you need replacement electric storage heaters or a free boiler grant, we could help.

Room In Roof Insulation

If you have a habitable room in your roof space, you need to ensure it’s well insulated. Find out how we could help.

Solid Wall Insulation

Properties over 100 years-old (and / or those classed as non-traditional construction) can be insulated either on the inside or outside. We can assess what you need and how to provide it.

Floor Insulation

Void spaces under the ground floor could also benefit from extra insulation. Get in touch with us to see how we can help.

Loft Insulation

Some lofts have less than 100mm of insulation which could be leaving homeowners with higher energy bills.